Thursday, March 30, 2006

Propane is hot....

Oh Boy....are you 'guys' lucky....two postings in one ......:)
This is a 'spring off' from my daughter's last posting on her blog...

It appears that most of the country is now feeling a bit of 'Spring' in the air...well at least East of the Mississippi with temps climbing into the middle 60's. With the milder temps ..oh ya....the BBQ's comes aflaming :)
However, I don't feel the jubulations of that 'first of the season', outside open pit, flame throwing thrill of 'being the first of'.....hmmmmm !...
Well, how can I, since I can and do the 'bar b' all year round .....tossing those 'T bones' or the 'sausages with peppers and onions'. Now these are my favs things to 'grill up'.....and of course let's not leave out the 'corn on the cob' ...or the 'hot dogs' and 'hamburgers'....yummmmm !
But ya know what.....after that....I don't think I do much else on the 'bar b'...except a wing or two.....what a shame !!
So...if ya all will be so kind.....and leave me a 'fav' of yours that you 'toss on the bbq'.....I might just invite ya !!!
A 'Bobby Flay' I 'm not......never done 'ribs'.....gosh.....what am I missing when the 'flame ' is 'high'...I'll be thinkin of ya !!!

Must there be 'threats'.......

Something irritated me .....
A couple of weeks ago that I decided to 'let slide' all in the name of 'good faith'. I happened to be in one of those stand alone pharmacies that belongs to the largest retailer in the country. You know...Wal....whatever. Anyhow, I needed some drain cleaner and picked up a 'plastic jug' of their liquid store brand stuff and proceeded to make my way out to the register when I noticed a slight 'burning' sensation on my right shoulder area. I didn't immediately think much about it till I was just about at the register when I realized the bottle I picked wasn't sealed properly and was leaking caustic solution. Well, my first glance at my shoulder showed an 'orangey' burn on one of my fav tees. Infact, the black one in my pix. So I immediately returned to the area where the product was on the shelf and placed back that particular bottle but away from the rest of the stock. I proceeded to the register to pay for the item and at that point I made it a point to inform the clerk that there was a potentially dangerous and liable situation from that leaking bottle. He notified the manager and asured me it would be 'removed' and 'dealt with properly' since I insisted that it was too 'available' for young/elderly or the unware. Despite the damage to my clothing and a slight 'burning' sensation on my skin, I left the store thinking the 'manager' would do 'right' upon my notification of the dangerous situation.

Well, to make a long story short, I had to return to that same store a couple of weeks later, which was only a few days ago. Low and behold, just out of my 'curiousity' I went to the area where the 'defective jug' was placed and guess what? That very same 'jug' remained in the exact same position as I placed it originally, never looked at, let alone removed.
I just shook my head in disgust and in amazement to think that something that potentially dangerous was 'overlooked' and or possibly dismissed with out cause. Now what makes it so 'irritating' to me is.....I could have made a big scene, complained of 'skin burns' and damage to my personal property and well being. However, being the 'nice' guy that I am...I felt just being 'neighborly and pointing out a potential hazard and having it taken care of was all that I needed. Geeeeesh....was I wrong...a good 'lawsuit' or a 'threat' of one would have 'straighten that situation out' pronto. Whatever happened to... 'doing things 'right' ?....Gone are the 'good old days"!!! I grab my little artzy supplies and with a 'Q-tip' dabbed some black paint over the 'burn' hoping a 'slight' black discoloration wouldn't be as noticed as a bright orange blob.
Now, who said 'Q-tips' aren't versatile....where will they 'pop up' next

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Idol Mania.....

Today I paid bills to which is one of my most dreaded things to do. I really don't know anyone who would say they enjoy doing them, surely not I. As I was drudging my way thru them one pleasant thing made the task a lot easier to take. It was 'Idol night' !

These young entertainer 'wannbees' really make my day. I am so happy for the final twelve. Each in there own perspective ways and with whatever 'god given talent' each possess, they surely do 'entertain', 'star' or not! Between their personalities, singing abilities and stage presence, its a 'ticket price' worth sitting down in front of a wide screen TV and with surround sound; even the popcorn is free !!
As each one takes their turn trying to do the best they can in 'wooing' the 'judges' which is really inmaterial for it's the 'viewing public' and those that wanted to 'view' their perfomances but didn't that really matters. Rarely does 'dog pound' Randy Jackson put down anyone with a 'snap of the leash' and Paula 'in love with' Abdul, well.....she's just is in love being on tv and has positive remarks no matter how badly a contestant 'crashes and burns'. Now Simon, that's another story.
Honest to a fault and often cruel. One has to 'respect' him if not for his 'inacurrate or accurate' speculations as to how a performer is going to survive or not but more for his tenaciousness and the willingness to absorb all the 'boos and jeers' that he gets when he opens his mouth. He never lets you down for 'kindness' often takes the back seat. However tonight as the competition really has 'stepped up a notch' to which I would say was Barry Manilow's doing, Simon was really 'human'. I can't ever recall a show where Simon 'praised' so many performers for doing such a wonderful job. Kudos to him for tonight Simon gave his best performance as well. :)

It's rather unfortunate for tomorrow night someone is really going to be 'shocked'. Not a single performer deserves to be 'eliminated' and that would be a loss to the overall show. I'm pretty sure that no matter who eventually ends up at the end standing alone, anyone of these 'finalist' will be cutting 'records'. All 'stars' in this man's eyes !! how does that song go....' Looks like we made it'
'Tempest out !!!'

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Is It Just Me......

I'm not an overly big person when it comes to watching tv commercials, however one has caught my eye or more like it caught my 'ear'. This commercial has been on TV for some time with slight variations to its 'pitching methods'.
I am sure you have seen it and the latest one just 'cracks me up'. It's from Liberty Home Medical Care with Wilfred Brimley being it's spokesperson. As usual the 'pitch' is about getting your diabetes supplies sent directly to your door....hmmmm.......nothing new there ! Now on the latest version when he opens the door and a box is handed to him, he says something to the effect of ' ya know if it wasn't for Liberty, I'd be in deep trouble for these are my 'testing supplies' and I rely on them for quick results." I may not be quoting verbatim...however, next time you watch this commercial......listen up !!!
I swear, since the 'word' in question' is slightly slurred, that isn't what is being said. Well, at least not what I think I hear is being
Here is my take on it......" ya know if it wasn't for Liberty, I'd be in deep trouble for these are my 'testies' supplies........blah ...blah....blah.........:) lol
I really like the guy and have nothing against Liberty........but do I need the box of 'Q- Tips' ? know, its the little things in life that makes it .....till next time.....same time same channel !!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Aspire to Inspiration

I just got thru watching Dr. Wayne Dyer on PBS and as usual enjoyed and agree with most if not all of his presentations. I have been a fan of his for some time now and must confess, he has 'stolen' my most inner thoughts and concepts as to who we are and how to live with the minimal amount of stress and strain in our lives. Now, obviously he has/had no way to really get into my mind and 'steal' anything from me but it surely seems so. What is amazingly striking in his thoughts and presentations is not just the concepts but the actual terminology that he presents his virtues with are almost identical to mine. How I don't know but it's a 'reality' that I have to address and bring to light in a more philosophical if not actual way.

His ability to bring his work to the masses comes from his lifelong work and of close contact with those individuals that have a missionary objective in life. Whereas, I don't follow those footsteps but yet I seem to without the knowledge of knowing. I have to conceptualize and hypothesize the possibility that maybe his direction and source of such is very much the same as mine, although obscured to me, his seems to be clear to him and how he has the ability to 'capture', 'embrace' and 'entertain' one's self esteem for our own benefit, providing one is 'open ' to his possiblities.
Like him, I too seem to be able to 'capture, 'embrace' and yes even 'entertain' but not for the masses for it's only a singular soul that benefits from such serious if not at times frivolous ideologies. That singular soul you might think is me, myself and I...huh ? Well, not necessarily so. Just like the Doctor, which I am not, I, you might say in my own small 'universe' touch those as we all do..... that want to be 'touched' one soul at a time.

Listening is the vehicle to be touched by. I do think for the most part the general populous has lost the ability to listen. Once the power of listening vanishes so do a whole genre of other 'human' traits vanishes along with it. Listening gives us the ability to absorb information that maybe different enough from our own embedded thoughts and ideas affording us the intelligence to make sane and rational decisions; possibly straddling or even overtaking those deeply embedded thoughts that we don't take the time nor the courage to examine within ourselves. It's those very inner thoughts that make us the individuals that we are and with those very thoughts bind us to each other. One's own inspirations are often 'seen' by others that indeed lead us to aspire if we all just listen.

By the way.....a box of 'Q tips' goes a long way !!! :) lol

Thursday, March 02, 2006

In Charge...

After reading the papers, looking at tv news and surveying online news I can't say with any assurances that I know what is going on in this world. Now that may seem a bit odd for someone as astute as I am with a sense of knowledge that borders on the insanely genius. However, given that, I do think I missed my calling. The President of these wonderful United States has really something to worry about. Oh, it's not the world affairs or domestic declines of our economic and socialogical structure. Oh no, for sure not !

It has come to my attention that what really is important in this world is how one is perceived, not as one is but more as to how one wants to be. Let's face it the Prez has a definite different concept as to who he thinks he his. Obviously, he's not the one that knows what is going on. Not the one 'in charge'. Not the one 'wanting to be 'incharge'. Nor the one willing to be 'incharge'. So then that leaves only one :)

How would I be different to make a difference? Well, the answer is rather simplistic and rudamentary. I wouldn't......YOU would tho ! Here's how I see it to be such a mind bending but basic resolve......

We all want what is 'best' for ourselves...right ??? So ......why not allow each of us to put forth ideas ,concepts, and resolves that actually benefits 'you, me and us' ! Of course repititious based resolves would be eliminated in time since 'everyone's demands' would be met and we would think that there is no better place to be than to be where you are right now and with the 'right' man or perhaps the 'right' women in charge. There wouldn't be a 'government' ruling us for we would be 'ruling ourselves'. Gosh geee, isn't there something already written that 'states' that ??
And something about individualized representation ??

I really dislike discussing politics for its such a 'dirty' game involving so many puffs of smoke and miles of mirrors. So getting back to the Prez...."what me worry" to quote a noteable social and interesting phrase that probably those that think he's doing well....don't know the source.
I wonder in the year 2010 will anyone remember his name ?