Monday, October 22, 2007

Just believe ....


Ok....a tough series for the Bosox, but as I predicted, they won the ALCS ! Kudos to the team and it's management staff. Bostonians have to be excited to be back in the World Series once again ! I have to say that the Indians didn't make it easy despite the often lopsided score. Judging from the NYY events of the past week or so, I'd say it might be very possible to see more of the Indians as a more constant threat as was the Yanks of decades and decades. That's how good they really are. No one should 'sell them short'. They'll be back !!

As for my prediction for the winner of the World Series, this is a tough one. The Rockies are 'red flaming hot' but that was prior to the long 'layoff' of 8 days waiting for the winner of the ALCS. Did this 'cool' them down some? I'd venture to say maybe just for the first game and then the flames will be just as hot as usual. I'd like to see the Red Sox win the World Series, but my 'realistic' side is telling me this won't be easy. So if the Nation is to become 'Red Sox Nation' , everyone needs to have whatever can be 'crosssed', blessed and 'baptised' just for added insurance.

I believe very strongly ever since I have played the 'sports', that there is an invisible entity that we usually call 'karma' that often makes or breaks a team no matter how well they play or don't play. I do think it was rather visible during the ALCS when the teams were bouncing back and forth as to who was outplaying whom and who possessed the 'karma' for the moment. Superstitious or 'Stupidstitious' as I often call it, I am not, but one has to 'look at' what isn't 'seen' when analyzing how and why a team wins when often it's not due to their play. I do believe both teams had their moments to shine and capitalized in doing the most damage to the other team as possible despite the many uncapitalized situations from both teams. Talent surely has its place, as well as the ability to 'believe' in itself.

Now doesn't that concept get carried over in just about everything in our daily lives ? I think so ! One has to 'believe' in order to accomplish. Even believing in the 'negatives' often produces 'positives' without one realizing it. Some call it 'good luck, good fortune', or just plain 'it was meant to be' kinda thing, but the reality of it is 'we all make or break our futures within what is called 'destiny'. It's just a matter of how we get there !

So with 'destiny' on the doorstep of these two teams, which will grasp the ultimate goal ? Just how much will 'karma' play a factor and how much will it be 'talent'? The answers are yet to be known, but one thing is certain at this point in time, both 'believe'!

Good Luck to both outstanding teams !
As always,

PS: Gosh darn, those Patriots are something else and without a doubt deserve to shine in the sun with the best team start record in history along with Tom Brady's record breaking performances week after week. You go Pats ! (7-0) Did I hear someone say the Pats signed a rookie called 'Karma Galore'..??? (lol)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

A Boston Die Hard


Yup, eventhough I'm in Florida and consider to be a 'Floridian' supporting the local teams; good ole 'New England sport spirit' is vibrant and doing well within me. How can I not be enthusiastic about those Red Sox? Looks like the 'bambino's curse' definitely bit the dust a couple of years ago...thank goodness ! Yanks who ...???:)

With the Sox winning game two on a Manny's 'dream home run' in the last of the 9th with two on base and two outs, shattering the Angels moral to smithereens; it's got to be 'Red Sox Nation' time once more. Can they be the conference title holders once again ? You bet they will !!! :)
One more win in LA and it's time for the champagne to be flowing for all the 'sox diehards'. ! I for one will be happy for them and for myself and what's even more important with the Yanks back to back losses in their attempts to make a Boston/ New York rivalry a reality a repeat; this win of the World Series, yup, I said that...first to forecast almost assure Boston's place in the record books once again. Ok, so I maybe a bit optimistic, but I really do think the Sox have a better chance of capturing the 'big one' than any other team in the post season. Any bets, any one ???? lol

It was an 'odd' night watching the game on tv, here in Florida. Things from the very beginning had an ominous feel to it. First it was the TNN network quitting the broadcast after the 2nd inning and having ESPN picking it up from there. The record crowd at Fenway carried a burden for 'success', and the weather here was disgustingly miserable despite the absolutely beautiful evening in Boston. Rain was falling so fiercely here, one couldn't see an inch in front of them. Thunder and lightening was rampart and only a fool would dare to challenge the outdoors. Now normally this is just a 'quick' and a 'rapidly passing ' event for Florida weather however, this evening ( Friday 10/5/07) it remained for the entire game since the beginning of the first pitch to the last Red Sox player ( Manny Ramirez) crossing home plate being congratulated by his fellow team mates. What makes it 'odd' for me is that I lost electrical power with the game tied up in the 9th inning. The electricity was cutting in and out for about 15 mins prior on a sporatic cycle of about every couple of mins till Manny stepped up to the plate. Fortunate for me, I have my home entertainment system on a 'small' but respectable ups just for such a situation. Normally, the ups would hold up for about 7 mins under the load of the large screen tv and cable box. This night, it would be different. It lasted just long enough for me to see the ball just about to fly over the wall as it just 'blinked off' with total blackness on the screen ! Wow, what a feeling to 'know' without actually seeing !!
I can't say that it 'equalled' the Isrealites 'good fortune' of having the founded 'oil' in the old temple lasting the seven days being much longer than it should have been giving the Jews everywhere the 7 days of Chanukah, but it comes :) A present indeed !!

So now that history has been written and this 'northern transplant' is elated and ecstatic about the 'home team' win, let's not forget the New England Patriots ( 5-0 ) the football team to watch or the Boston Bruins ( 0-1). It's really 'great' to be a Bostonian ! I just wish I had a better outlet to follow the 'home teams' if I was 'living' in Boston, my wish would be ????

Go Red Sox
Go Pats
Go Bruins

Happy 'game watching' and be smiled upon !
