Saturday, July 28, 2007

Nothing New.......

Hi all......

Well, I've just had a birthday recently and I don't feel any differently than I did yesterday or the day before but it made me think about some of the things that I have taken witness to over the past 60 yrs or so. I believe that the 'Baby Boomer' generation and those in it's wake are probably going to be the last and perhaps the only generations to live thru so many changes within their lives.... whether that be a product, a government , a philosphy, or a way of life.

As a young boy, I recall that many a 'sci-fi' flick would document that by in the year...hmmmm...let's say '2000 and whatever' that mankind and its society would be 'flying' without 'wings' a means of transportation. There would be 'transporters' available, 'rocketpacks', and other '21st century' devices. We'd be doing 'space travel' between planets that we had deemed 'habitable' with our colonies scattered across the universe and been in 'communications' with some fantastic 'aliens' by means of some sort of weird science ! Of course that concept or theme could go on an on; engaging through out the 'way of life' that was 'perceived' at any time prior to the 'real 21st century' arriving. Yes, I understand it's still early on in the 'amazing century'....but.................

For the most part, none of that is present, existing, or more than likely ever will in your lifetime. Not that our 'societies' smartest and yes...perhaps even our 'dumbest' people aren't trying desperately to 'achieve and mimic' past years of 'fantasizing' what our world would be for the 'future'. As it appears, for now and perhaps for the immediate 'future' despite our society's wants for a 'state of change'; transportation will still be on 'tires' using some form of 'hydrocarbons' for fuel and we will still be saying 'hello'; no matter the method of 'transporting ' our voices over a device we call a 'telephone' !

Of ourse the list goes on and on and can cover many many genre. Mankind hasn't 'cured', 'vastly improved' or 'invented' much over many a decade. "Control" seems to be the current way of 'thinking' among our 'brightest'. Yes, 'technology' has 'remodified' and applications have been 're-invented' but what can you think of that is really 'new' ? Really new, I say again ????
It appears the more one wants something 'new' the least likely we will achieve it. Mind you, not because of the limitations of 'technology' but more from the lack of 'trust', the less likely 'our' willingness to move away from what is known as a 'standard'; one's comfort zone or from 'whatever' it is that binds us to the past... simply because it 'just can't be'! Yes...we are 'skeptics'!!! Along with being 'dubious', we are also unwilling to take that 'one giant step for mankind' ! Only a 'selected' few are 'lucky' enough and their efforts rarely benefit mankind as a whole or even 'trickle' down to the masses.

For the most part the 'past' has to be used as a 'tool' and not a way of life and great sacrifices must be made in order to achieve 'what dreams are made of ' !
Sure, it's going to be 'painful and hurt some' but that is what 'sacrificing' is all about; has been for generations and generations. We know what and how to 'sacrifice'. Just look at all the 'lives' we gave in the sake of 'freedom'. Not just for our 'freedom' but for those of others. We know how to 'bleed' and give of ourselves. Some of our 'brightest minds and able bodied' have given the biggest 'sacrifices' ! Yet we remain in the same 'rut' !
Ya know ........ we are still doing it!! Can we, do we ever 'learn'? Mankind has a way to 'hold on', not to 'change' despite how 'beneficial' that change may be. So I guess, I've 'seen' and 'experienced' all that 'mankind' for now has to 'offer' ! Perhaps ' a new generation' of thinkers and doers will set me 'free' :) ... The more we 'think' we change, the less we really do ! Change has to be for the 'better' not done just for the 'sake' of it !
As usual, something else just 'popped' into my here it

One day last week I saw a wonderful looking, old lady sitting on her front steps, so I walked up to her and said, "I couldn't help but notice how happy and healthy you look! What is your secret for living such a long and happy life?"
"I smoke ten stogies a day," she said. "Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint. All my life I've eaten only junk food and I put away at least a fifth of Jack Daniels every week. On weekends I pop pills, and never do any exercise at all." Absolutely, absolutely amazing, I thought. I then asked her, "How old are you?" ......"Twenty-four," she replied.

Long live and God Bless.......
As always America...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Big Bang Theory

HiYa 'll....:)

Well, it's the 4th of July and Our Independence is once again remembered. It reminds us of how things 'could have been' had the early colonist didn't have a short fuse and the desire to want to be 'free' from the will of others. So they 'rose up' in 'unison to 'rebel', freeing themselves of the 'old ways' from which they came from and became 'free' from 'taxation without proper representation'. Oh Ya, surely history needs to be to me nothing really changed except to whom we 'write' the 'check' too ! :) Which reminds me of this story.

A husband in his back yard is trying to fly a kite. He throws the kite up in the air, the wind catches it for a few seconds, then it comes crashing back down to earth. He tries this a few more times with no success. All the while, his wife is watching from the kitchen window. Muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything. She opens the window and yells to her husband, "You need a piece of tail." The man turns with a confused look on his face and says, "Make up your mind. Last night, you told me to go fly a kite."

Ok, you say ! What the heck does that have to do with the 'fourth?' .....Well, initially not very much. However, the story does remind us that if it wasn't for the 'finicky fickle females' we would be speaking with British accents. But as over time has attested, even the British seem very much 'American'.
Say what, hmmmm...did I lose you somewhere along the 'trip' ? see, behind ever man stands a woman, ( Now I don't think I need to describe by definition a man vs. a woman, now do I ??) and whatever a woman wants, man seems to accomodate, one way or the other. So the 'freedom' that man 'cherishes' really relies upon the 'woman's posture' and 'desires' :)

So all you men out there, listen up...have a 'big bang' this fourth and enjoy ! Freedom comes with a price ! ....

Next time America