Lost Souls
I have to say as I go thru life's little journey that I have observed several interesting peculiarities among our "walking" inhabitants of this planet. One of those points of interest I call the 'walking lost souls'. Surprisingly, there are many among us that 'fit' into this situation that I am about to describe. Are you one of them. Not that there is anything 'wrong' with them necessarily so, but there is just something about them that doesn't quite fit with the rest and majority of 'us'! The 'odd' piece of a 'puzzle' syndrome. You know, think most of us have put a multi piece puzzle together at one time or another and always seemed to have that one 'funny die cut' piece that looks like it should fit this particular place in the scheme of the puzzle but just doesn't work out. You measure and match up the 'odd cut out design' and visually by 'eye' you say, 'yup, this is the place this one goes into', but low and behold when you place it, rotating it in all directions, it just doesn't want to 'belong'! All the pressing, banging and twisting just seems to have an opposite effect than what you are striving for. It just doesn't fit; well, not where you think it should !!!
I have met and known many 'people' over the years that seem to 'fit' this type of scenario within their daily lives. Great people, wonderful personalities, and often things seems to always work for these people. However, if you 'observe' them a bit closer and get by the surface of what we initially 'see' of them, one becomes more interesting and the 'pieces' of their puzzle becomes more evident.
Well, what do I mean by saying this? The 'things' in life within our society often for many of us, create a challenge. They,the accomplishments, whether it's materialistic,emotional or spiritual seem to elude these individual. Not all follow the same 'mold' for the given challenge. Some may never have 'two nickles' to rub together despite how much money and income come their way. Not that they don't know how to save or spend, it's just that economic security just isn't in their future for some reason and despite their efforts, they never get what society calls, 'getting ahead'! Then there are those that never seem to have much in the way of 'materialistic' or 'in hand value'. No matter what they do, the possessions that matter to them just never seem to be in their daily lives. Always being 'one step' behind the 'eight ball' , I think was a common phrase used during my growing up years. There are also another main group of individuals that are just the opposite to these described. I'm talk about the individuals that have just about everything one could have materialistically and spiritually, but they have a messed up personal life.
I'm sure there are books and studies on this that can fill a concert hall, as to the whys and wherefore's for such a situation. Perhaps they are all correct, but I have my own deducements, as conceptual that it maybe, but visible to all if one looks.
For some unknown reasons these people aren't like the majority. They often don't know and understand what it is that 'prevents' them from achieving. If one goes for a job, they never seem to land the job that is well within their realm of obtaining and often 'settle' for something else. Some roam this world constantly trying to find or questioning the spiritual side of themselves. Always doubting, always asking why and getting no satisfactory answers for/from those inquiries. Whereas for the others the answers/results do the trick. Then there are those, that have wonderful professional lives and has the ability to have whatever they usually desire, but lack no matter how they try a 'meaningful private social life'. Yes, the perpetual professional worker that seems to have it all, yet in their lives they don't have a personal life and no matter how they try to obtain it, the worse it becomes. Total shambles are often 'hidden' in these situations, closeted by the appearance to the outside world as 'everything is ok'!
Well, my dear friends, do I dare say that 'all' can be those 'lost souls'? You bet !!
But what makes one more of a 'lost soul' than some other? At any point in time and with time each of us makes a conscious decision to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and do something that can alleviate our particular predicament from being that 'temporary lost soul'. The rest of them, those that are constantly and repetitiously in the same 'mold' banging down those edges that don't seem to fit the die cut of that puzzle that they are working on that is called life. Struggling to fold over the jagged edges, twisting and flaring those protruding tabs for that one 'piece' that would complete the puzzle so that one can 'see' what their life is about. It's a constant struggle and a challenge that never seems to be achieved. Now they indeed are the 'lost souls' of our society.
What is so interesting about this phenomenon, is that no matter how,who or what the assistance present that maybe given too these individuals which would help them obtain, they refuse it, reject it and even dispute it that they even could use the 'guidance' that is so often out there for their taking. Yes, I know, one often doesn't feel that they have that 'need' but often that in itself is the easiest of all problems to resolve enabling them to carry out their ambitions. The way for them to be whatever just doesn't work out for them no matter how much they try on their own. I often use this cliche'..." no man is an island, no man stands alone'.
So, for those lost souls I say,
"Smile and be smiled upon..someone maybe watching..."
Till next time America...grab a hand....there is plenty to reach for !