Catch Up Time......
Sorry guys and gals.......I know its been a long time since I posted last however a funny thing(s) happened on the way to the :)
Let me see if I can get this all wrapped up in a neat 'nutshell'....
The 'car deal' is all said and done and I'm totally 'upside down' regarding 'value' of transportation vs amount of dollars being spent for the next 9 months....geesh.....but nothing I can do presently with that old 'Ford' till I get the title'. At that point I'll probably 'junk it'...or maybe sell it for a 'parts only car'. Until that time...I cringe writing that check to pay it off....ugh !!:( and that beast sits dormantly dauntingly staring at me in the driveway. Oh well....such is the pains of life and best just accept it and move ahead ! :)
Since I last posted there have been a couple of TV issues that really got my dander up. One in particularly was a Dr. Phil's airing regarding 'abusive relationships'. Now I don't know how many of you saw that, if indeed Dr. Phil has a large following, if any,( why, I don't know) however he laid the whole females problem of getting 'physically abused' squarely on the male spouse. Not that I condone physical abuse, but anyone with a bit of common sense KNOWS that there are always two sides to every story. Particularly when the female sputtered out that she constantly and knowingly 'pushes' her spouses buttons with the acknowledgement of what that action brings on.
I reinterate, I don't suppport or condone 'physical, mental or any other kind' of abuse under any circumstances, however...don't you think if one is intentionally creating that kind of situation, the scenario becomes well known and a bit of more common sense says ...'hey..don't' ! So..c'mon Dr. Phil...let's play fair...and not just judge by a source( female orientated ) that maybe looking for the only kind of attention and love ( in that fems eyes and mind ) that she can obtain. There's more to it than what meets the eye that this overly rated, highly charged and totally 'biased' airing addressed!! Enough said......
The other issue is that of 'American Idol'...
Not the show nor the contestants mind you...but the fans that post in blogs that totally 'tear up' and 'shred' anyone that isn't their 'voting idol want to be'....Yes...glad to see Taylor win with Kat runner up, however the top 5 aren't so shabby either. This years touring group sings the best together than any other previous years. So ...listen up all you 'back stabbers'.......not a single one of you probably could hold a note in comparison to these don't be so darn critical of those you didn't vote for....Those that weren't gracious to all of the finalist really in my eyes showed me ...they weren't and aren't worth the 'text' with which they posted on !! Whew...:)
And finally.....
Just recently I got 'pulled over' by the notorious Florida Sheriffs Dept. ..on a really 'cheesy call'...
Let me set this up..for a quick moment.....
One of the main streets to my area is all posted at 40 mph for approx. 2 miles or so....but right in the middle there is a 'hill'....small mind you ...but incline and decline. ( hard to find in Florida ). Right at the base of the hill as you 'climb' ...the speed limit drops to 35 mph(makes no sense to reduce speed climbing 'uphill' lugging your engine) and maintains till you flatten out on the other side and resumes the 40 mph.We all know that the downhill descend will increase speed. (now you need to drag your brakes....oh wow....the height of stupidity) lol :) that you have the picture. Here's the rest of the story !
I was in a line of traffic and doing basically the same speed as all the rest but being the last vehicle of that line since its a 'single lane' in either direction. Yes...I did 'catch up' to that line prior to the 'hill'....which might have proved I was doing greater that the posted 40 mph and I concede to that but not the 50 mph that the trooper stated clocked by radar. He came from behind with lights flashing....and not a 'peep' from my radar ..I pulled over thinking he needs to pass me and take care of his 'business'
Little did I know...I was his 'business'....Anyhow....
I pulled over onto the shoulder shutting off the ignition as I rolled down my window and he immediately went into the 'America's Most Wanted' stance as he had his hand on his gun and leaning like the 'Tower of Pizza' from 'behind my door and body of the pickup...sticking his face into my drivers window, requesting my drivers license, insurance and registration information. All which I had already for him except for an older registration form. ( the current one left in the house since nothing changed for data except the experation date and besides that the sticker on the tags validate current valid registration status obviously!).
I must admit he was very pleasant and courteous as so was I ....exchanging 'sirs' as often as I could as to not to show a disrespect for the 'officer of the law' despite his reasonings for pulling me over. According to him and his 'radar' was doing 15 mph over the posted limit(according to him...'radar' dosen't lie'....oh ya !!...right !!! )...however...that has some 'holes' in the facts because he supposedly 'clocked' me prior to the hill ( my 'catch up' area that I caught up to the traffic) which is posted at 40 mph and I pulled over at the 'peak' of the hill which is posted at 35 mph. According to my best math....I at most could only be doing by his own valition.....10 mph over the posted. ..But anyhow...I didn't want to dispute his judgement for here in Fl.....they just as soon 'lock you up'...than 'look' at you. ....driver's school and fines big enough that you need to take a second mortgage out just to cover it ...let alone how that effects your insurance rating and payments.......ugh !!! Really a life altering experience that probably for most infractions not worth the after affects.
So after 'radio checking' and 'validating' my information he saunters back over to my vehicle in a much more relaxed fashion despite my 'first encounter' with him for I told him initially that he can 'relax' and not need to be concerned for I wasn't going to 'attack' him in any way when he first approached the vehicle. However, he ..being a well trained police word at that point meant nothing !!
Again to make a long story short....or shorter than it is
Those that know me and know my past realizes that when he returned....instead of handing me a fine and a violation notice for speeding.....I got a 'courtesy' and warning for 'failure to have current registration available'...hmmmmm.'s nice to know that 'brotherly love' does live. However, if you ever visit this fine state and drive..I greatly encourage you to watch the speed limits with a little more vigilance than normal because you maybe spending your 'vacation time' from behind bars. LOL :(
Well I think this covers it for this posting and time :)
Till next time....buckle up and beware of flashing lights :) maybe in for something you didn't 'bargain for' :)
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