Sunday, November 19, 2006

Now...What Have I Been Saying ..........

Hi ya'll.....

Time again for me to sputter a few this time you are in luck. For the most part it won't be 'heard' by me. Many know that one of my 'fav' people in this world is and has been for decades and decades, my 'buddy' Mr. George Carlin. For those of you that don't know of him, you won't probably 'accept', let alone 'agree' with his philosophies on living and life in general. For those of you that have heard of him....eventually he'll hit on a topic that even the most pesimistic/optimistic person has to agree with him despite his 'slant' of what he considers 'humor' however, most do it very 'quietly' to themselves....why, I'll never know. Well guys, 'verbalize'....or you'll just remain that 'sheep within the flock' :)

SOooo, courtesy of 'Youtube' , I have again found 'Georgey Boy' to be hitting the 'nail on the head' with these couple of video clips. They are worth listening and watching to but beware if your 'ears' are 'fragile' to the 'common vulgarities' and 'slangerisms' ( new word ...huh ???? ) of today's 'verbal society'. If you are 'sensitive'....have a nice day...and thanks for stopping by. If you can handle it.....hang on and click the links below to have a thought for yesterday,today and tomorrow !

So once again...I thank "GC" "pray my soul to keep" Smile and be smiled is just to 'f_kin short!!

This link is about 'who owns this country' if this is really 'new information' to've been saying this since I was able to 'vote' and maybe even before, just can't remember for .
George Carlin - Owners of This Country

This second video is about what I usually think but don't say about the 'Ten Commandments' and of Religion/Religious thinking except to/with those I consider my 'closest friends' my thoughts on this don't get proliferated very much ...huh ?......
George Carlin on Ten Commandments

And if you are reading this sentence than you haven't 'looked' at any of those 'clips'....and I have to wonder...what in the 'hell' are you doing damn !!


At Mon Nov 20, 02:02:00 PM EST, Blogger Rebecca said...

First off... it's about time you posted!!! hahahaa.

Second - love, love, love George Carlin. He's so flipping funny - and so on target with most of what he says, partly what makes it so funny!!!!


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